As technology and engineering continue to develop, the shipping and maritime industry, both commercial and leisure, are rapidly undergoing crucial changes. If you seek to stay relevant or competitive, then you need to travel to the major events that present to you the latest changes in your niche.
Trade Fair Trips ltd outlines some of the biggest exhibitions that will boost your business and all you have to do is choose!
NEVA: Come middle September, this impressive international exhibition for shipping, shipbuilding, ports and offshore energy is going to take place in St. Petersburg, Russia. There will be thousands in attendance and the focus is going to fall on major technological solutions to the most pressing issues concerning these sectors. Product groups include container ships, drilling equipment, engines, ferries, handling systems, icebreakers, marine components, maritime training, navigation equipment, oil rigs, pipelines, port facilities, vessel design and so much more!
MARINE EQUIPMENT TRADE SHOW: Most commonly known in the professional circles as METS, this international exhibition for the leisure marine industry is returning to Amsterdam, Netherlands in November to showcase the latest achievements in the field. You stand to meet fellow enthusiasts and professionals – over 23,000 in total – who are invested in the industry. Product groups range from anchoring and docking equipment, aspiration, boats, ventilation and boat care products to chemicals, coatings, maintenance goods, boat building materials and equipment, clothing and apparel.
SEAWORK INTERNATIONAL: Scheduled to take place in Southampton, UK in the middle of June, this international exhibition focuses on the commercial marine and workboat fields and is distinguished with the honor of being the largest of its kind in Europe. Here are the numbers to make our point. Roughly you have more than 7,600 industry professionals that come to see over 10,000 products and services. You’ve also access to 70 vessels and counting – a large enough sample to give you a full idea of where the market is heading.
You might be a specialist in shipping cargo across the world, but Trade Fair Trips ltd knows all about sending people to any destination and ensuring they have a comfortable stay. If you are not inclined to book your hotel rooms on your own, leave all the travel arrangements to us – a fast, efficient and affordable service. We cater to the tastes of clients both big and small to get you the most value for your money. And we do this in a single day!